Most Exciting Show Ever

Under Construction

You know what I haven’t heard in awhile?  A good pop song inspired by the isolation of space.

If you find that this is a problem for you, too, I highly recommend clicking on the link to your right.  Gravitron.  Who will be playing with Pity Rally and a host of other great bands next Friday.

In the interim, there will be some changes around here to reflect the high roller type of label that Mother Stamper is.

Please excuse the mess as the Mother Stamper Records site is under construction.  We will fix those rusty html mistakes when we are ready to do so.

Just Making Sure…

Have you seen this yet? The badass ep from Pity Rally.  You should take note.


Music for the Masses

It’s time to catch up with all the people I have loved.  Musically.  First on the list, Leslie Hall.  Her Gem Sweater Collection will rock your world.  She is, hmmm, what’s the word?  Oh, a fucking genius.  That’s several words, because a word alone cannot describe it.  “Cannot”-there’s a word I haven’t typed in awhile.  Clearly Leslie is catching up with those that she loves, too.

And what about the Promise Ring?  Quick reminder:

All rockstars have to grow up, I guess. Davey von Bohlen went back to school for accounting.  Touring around tax season, I’m assuming.  His new band, Maritime, supposedly has an album coming out this year.  As a side note, Maritime’s video for “Someone Has to Die” is amazing, too.

Mother Stamper Christmas

Click here to stream or download at a price that you prefer.  Also, we had some awesome bands contribute- the Rev. Joe Roberts, Kid Trails, Miss Ohio’s Nameless, Pity Rally, Quark Lepton of Norwegian Blue, Peach Fuzz, Mike Lee of the Get Wets, and Xanadu Bathhouse of Daemon Flushboy.

Although all of our Mother Stamper Christmas compilations have been pretty awesome, this one is especially rad.  A huge thank you to all of the bands that contributed and to Zach Biondo for some very late night work.

Mother Stamper Christmas Compilation

By this time tomorrow the Mother Stamper Christmas Compilation will be available for download.  It is pretty awesome.  Just a heads up.

I Have Awesome Taste in Music!

It’s true.  I have awesome taste in music.  While others might have better fashion sense, or have better words to describe micro-brews (other than “beery”), I have chosen to develop almost no other tastes than those in music.  It is very fortunate, with this in mind, that I was able to catch a super awesome band last Sunday night at New Brookland Tavern.  While it is true that Pity Rally played that show, this is not a post to toot the Pity Rally horn.  Although it could be noted that “Ponyville” is to happiness what “This Land is My Land” is to socialism.

This post is to inform you that we were fortunate enough to share the stage with Los Lagartos, 3/4ths of Columbia-based band Norwegian Blue, a band devoted to the preservation of rock music and badassery.  I recommend checking out their album, available for the low low price of five dollars on this website.  Fans of garage rock or Stooges-era punk will appreciate the aesthetic.   The converted can keep up with their show schedule by clicking here.  You might have to log in to facebook.  I’m really not sure how that works.

Coloring Pages

After years of watching exasperated kids coloring their two-billionth firetruck or Carebear, it has come to my attention that kids really need non-lame stuff to color.  The PDFs will be posted soon, but from the Mother Stamper coloring project:

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New Post!!! And Outer Space!!!

Some Art Cards from the upcoming zine:

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Mildly Edited for Your Delicate Ears

Today we’re dishing out one of our most controversial songs.  It’s about a feminist, which means it pisses off the status quo types… and it’s about a feminist, so of course it pisses off the feminists, too.

You can catch an earlier version of this song on YouTube by clicking here.  We got some amazing comments.  Some examples:

“i dont understand why the song is asking Kathleen why she married a “dumb fuck” like AdRock and all the comments are saying shes a shitty gold digger…please…Kathleen Hanna didn’t spend a decade fighting against women’s oppression to become co-dependent on anyone let alone a man. Get over yourself. P.S. this song fucking sucks.”

“Oh the story goes like this…she met Adrock while she was having a lesbo relationship with his ex wife..Ione about an odd chain of events?? I mean this is movie of the week/soap opera stuff for sure. I don’t know the timing of it all..if our beloved Kathleen is a home-wrecker or if she went after him on the rebound..who knows.”

“God you people are retarded. If you only had an eighth of a heart that Kathleen does you would pull it out and choke yourself with it. I hope you all marry someone that oppresses your heart and potential talent.”

“Sorry just trying to figure out your A.Dworking comment, was that a typo? were you saying that she did not appriciate working for a living so she married him? cos that is obviously what happened. or was that meant to say AD as in ADrocks body of work she dissed? he was everything she always told young girls to stay away from, but that didn’t stop her from hooking up with him.he is not Johnny Handsome. so it kinda narrows down the mystery as to why she ended up married to him. for me anyhow.”

“this is stupid. You obviously know nothing about the Beastie Boys or Kathleen Hanna. Or music.”

And then there’s the comment from the one person who fucking GETS it.

“kazoo solo!!!”

Anyways, we videotaped a more recent performance which is most notable as the show in which our bass player inhaled the wax paper from his kazoo mid-solo and had to hack it up after the show.

And you can enjoy this edited version performed for the radio as many times as you want to:

Kathleen Who (clean)

We edited out all of the parts that would offend AdRock fans or Kathleen Hanna fans.  Just kidding, we edited out “shit”.  Big hugs go out to the Columbia Beet guys for recording this.